The Freedom Investing Podcast Episode 1: Meet The Team

Welcome to The Freedom Investing Podcast!

We share tips from experts on investing in personal finance and mindset so that you can finally have the freedom to work less and live more.

Hosted by Kris Toribio.
The Freedom Investing Podcast was created to help everyone regain control over their time and achieve true financial freedom!

In the first episode, you get to meet the Freedom Investing team! Learn who we are and what motivated us to start passively investing in real estate.

Did you know you can pay off your mortgage in your 20s?
Learn how as well as all the benefits of investing in real estate and much more.

Join us for our first episode as we explore ways to help you live the life you deserve!

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Listen to The Podcast Here

Key Points From the Episode:

  • The goal of this podcast
  • Meet the team and learn where they came from and why they ventured down the path to time freedom
  • Why investing and why real estate
  • The benefits of real estate investing
  • You don’t have to deal with tenants and toilets or flip houses to invest in real estate
  • Think about your time freedom
  • Investing in senior housing and why we went down that path
  • How does one purchase an apartment or senior living building?
  • How mindset has helped them as they grew in their business
  • How they way they grew up helped shape who they are and how they have grown
  • Reframe your mindset
  • The freedom five: 5 questions they ask every guest
    1. What is their why?
    2. What book has had the largest influence in their life?
    3. What is the most impactful thing whether a piece of technology, habit or person that helped free up your time?
    4. What is the number one piece of advice you would give to anyone looking to have more control over their time?
    5. What is the best way for the listeners to get into contact with them?

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